Words of Wisdom

Love is the True Essence of Life, Part 1 of 2
Love is the True Essence of Life, Part 1 of 2, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Apr 30, 2000
The essence of life is love. The essence of God, of Buddha, of Allah, is love. There’s nothing else but love. When we make the choice of love, that’s the highest choice, the noblest choice, which is our true Self, we will feel that we are very near to God, very near to Buddha.

Love is the True Essence of Life, Part 2 of 2
Love is the True Essence of Life, Part 2 of 2, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Apr 30, 2000
The essence of life is love. The essence of God, of Buddha, of Allah, is love. There’s nothing else but love. When we make the choice of love, that’s the highest choice, the noblest choice, which is our true Self, we will feel that we are very near to God, very near to Buddha.

From Sikhism’s Holy Sri Guru Granth Sahib: Guru Nanak, Pages 351-353, Part 1 of 2
From Sikhism’s Holy Sri Guru Granth Sahib: Guru Nanak, Pages 351-353, Part 1 of 2
Compassion and humility were the hallmarks of the great enlightened master and founder of Sikhism. Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s wisdom and teachings, along with the gurus who succeeded him and those of other saints and masters, are embodied in the holy text of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib. We present to you today an excerpt of the magnanimous teachings of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji from the Holy Sri Guru Granth Sahib.

From Sikhism’s Holy Sri Guru Granth Sahib: Guru Nanak, Pages 351-353, Part 2 of 2
From Sikhism’s Holy Sri Guru Granth Sahib: Guru Nanak, Pages 351-353, Part 2 of 2
Compassion and humility were the hallmarks of the great enlightened master and founder of Sikhism. Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s wisdom and teachings, along with the gurus who succeeded him and those of other saints and masters, are embodied in the holy text of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib. We present to you today an excerpt of the magnanimous teachings of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji from the Holy Sri Guru Granth Sahib.

Quetzalcóatl and the Spirituality of the Toltecs
Quetzalcóatl and the Spirituality of the Toltecs
Two hundred years ago, after the great city of Teotihuacan disappeared, a culture based in northern Mexico at Tura emerged and expanded rapidly throughout Mexico, Guatemala, and the Yucatan peninsula. From the 10th to 13th century, the city of Tura, or Tullan, had been an important city of Mexico and the great capital of the Central Plateau of Mesoamerica. Its noble inhabitants known as the Toltecs, were highly developed culturally and spiritually. Today we will present the spiritual traditions of the Toltecs, and especially the teachings of Quetzalcoatl...

From Hinduism's Holy Vedas: Hymns of the Samaveda, First Part, Book II Chapters 1 and II
From Hinduism's Holy Vedas: Hymns of the Samaveda, First Part, Book II Chapters 1 and II
Hinduism is believed to be one of the oldest living religions on Earth, with origins tracing back to the ancient Vedic civilization in India. The earliest Hindu spiritual text, the Rig Veda, was compiled in approximately 900 B.C. Other sacred Hindu scriptures include the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Ramayana, among others. We now present an excerpt of Hinduism's sacred text, the Samaveda, First Part, Book II, Chapters 1 and II.

From Sufism’s Sacred Fihi ma Fihi: Discourse of Rumi: 23
From Sufism’s Sacred Fihi ma Fihi: Discourse of Rumi: 23
Rumi was a poetic genius, a theologian and an enlightened person, who was heir to the rich literary and cultural heritage of Persian, or ancient Iran, and composed his great mystical poems in the Persian language. In addition to his poetry, Rumi’s prose works, which include the Fihi ma Fihi (In It What’s in It), Majalese Sab’a (Seven sessions), and Maktubat (The Letters), also offer his sage insight and wisdom.

From Sufism’s Sacred Fihi ma Fihi: Discourse of Rumi: 25 & 26
From Sufism’s Sacred Fihi ma Fihi: Discourse of Rumi: 25 & 26
Rumi was a poetic genius, a theologian and an enlightened person, who was heir to the rich literary and cultural heritage of Persian, or ancient Iran, and composed his great mystical poems in the Persian language. In addition to his poetry, Rumi’s prose works, which include the Fihi ma Fihi (In It What’s in It), Majalese Sab’a (Seven sessions), and Maktubat (The Letters), also offer his sage insight and wisdom.

From the Holy Bible: The Gospel of Matthew, Chaps 5-7
From the Holy Bible: The Gospel of Matthew, Chaps 5-7
Jesus taught God’s love and forgiveness to all people with open hearts. Jesus could discuss the scriptures with the erudite and learned but mostly he told simple stories, called parables, that everyone could understand. Today we present to you Jesus Christ’s teachings as written in the Gospel of Matthew, Chapters 5-7 in the Holy Bible. In these chapters, Jesus spoke with his disciples about the proper way to lead a virtuous and compassionate life.

From the Holy Bible: The Gospel of Matthew Chaps 15-17
From the Holy Bible: The Gospel of Matthew Chaps 15-17
Jesus taught God’s love and forgiveness to all people with open hearts. Jesus could discuss the scriptures with the erudite and learned but mostly he told simple stories, called parables, that everyone could understand. Today we present to you Jesus Christ’s teachings as written in the Gospel of Matthew, Chapters 15-17 in the Holy Bible.

An Interview with Shamil Aloprado, a Sufi Practitioner and Founder of the Vegetarian Muslim Society in UK, Part 1 of 2
An Interview with Shamil Aloprado, a Sufi Practitioner and Founder of the Vegetarian Muslim Society in UK, Part 1 of 2
Shamil Aloprado changed his heart and became vegetarian six years ago after he experienced some enlightening encounters with animals. He now lives in London, UK, where he runs the Vegetarian Muslim Society. It is there he dedicated his time to promoting a healthier and kinder lifestyle through vegetarianism.

The Hotel Called Life
The Hotel Called Life - June 23, 2001 Fresno, CA, USA

Parliament of the World's Religions
Parliament of the World's Religions - December 1-2, 1999 Cape Town, South Africa (In Zulu)

Listen Inwardly to Our Self-Nature
Listen Inwardly to Our Self-Nature - May 5, 2000 Taoyuan, Formosa

Enlightenment Is the Tool For Everything
Enlightenment Is the Tool For Everything - April 14, 1993 Washington, D. C., USA

The True Christ Power
The True Christ Power - May 30, 1999 Helsinki, Finland

Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu and the Heavenly Music
Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu and the Heavenly Music - February 28, 1993, Formosa