Our Noble Lineage

The Veg Village of Amirim in Galilee, Israel
Part 1 of 2
The cornerstone principles on which Amirim is founded include vegetarianism and an organic lifestyle...

The Veg Village of Amirim in Galilee, Israel
Part 2 of 2
The cornerstone principles on which Amirim is founded include vegetarianism and an organic lifestyle...

Tibetan Buddhism
Tibetan Buddhism: Compassion Is the Essence (In Tibetan)

Dr. Holly Roberts
Dr. Holly Roberts - Planting Seeds of Peace and Compassionate Wisdom with a Pen

The Loving Heart of Jainism - Ancient Wisdom Guiding Modern Lives

Dr. Chris Foster and Mormons for Animals

SERV - Society of Ethical and Religious Vegetarians

Dr. Govinda Tandon
Vegetarianism in Nepal: Interview with Culture Expert & Animal Advocate Dr. Govinda Tandon (In Nepali)