Cultural Traces Around the World

Secret Revelation on Master's Legendary Magician, P1/9
Secret Revelations on Master's Legendary Magician: A Tribute to Thai Tu Hoa (Part 1)
396P 720P
A journey through some of the most entertaining association performances and elebrations, produced by the multitalented late disciple and true friend of Supreme Master Ching Hai, Thai Tu Hoa.

Secret Revelation on Master's Legendary Magician, P2/9
Secret Revelations on Master's Legendary Magician: A Tribute to Thai Tu Hoa (Part 2)
396P 720P
A devoted and loyal disciple, Thai Tu Hoa helped to facilitate many of Supreme Master Ching Hai's humanitarian trips and public appearances. A multitalented creative, he also produced and directed countless beautiful concerts and shows to help share Master's enlightening messages with the world.

Secret Revelation on Master's Legendary Magician, P3/9
Secret Revelations on Master's Legendary Magician: A Tribute to Thai Tu Hoa (Part 3)
396P 720P
Thai Tu Hoa, adoringly known as Uncle Hoa, was a compassionate and forgiving father and friend, as well as a devoted disciple. He brought great joy and love to the lives of so many. Enjoy this private collection of footage, taken over the many beautiful years that Hoa?graced us with on this planet.

Secret Revelation on Master's Legendary Magician, P4/9
Secret Revelations on Master's Legendary Magician: A Tribute to Thai Tu Hoa (Part 4)
396P 720P
Thai Tu Hoa became a disciple of Supreme Master Ching Hai in 1989, which also saw the beginning of their beautiful, pure and true friendship. Hoa served Master with dedication and unconditional love, as he had through many past lives.

Secret Revelation on Master's Legendary Magician, P5/9
Secret Revelations on Master's Legendary Magician: A Tribute to Thai Tu Hoa (Part 5)
396P 720P
Precious exchanges between Supreme Master Ching Hai and Thai Tu Hoa, as well as a journey back over some of the entertaining shows produced by Hoa, in honour of his Beloved Master.

Secret Revelation on Master's Legendary Magician, P6/9
Secret Revelations on Master's Legendary Magician: A Tribute to Thai Tu Hoa (Part 6)
396P 720P
Thai Tu Hoa's friends and family from the United States share some special memories of their inspirational and loving friend.

Secret Revelation on Master's Legendary Magician, P7/9
Secret Revelations on Master's Legendary Magician: A Tribute to Thai Tu Hoa (Part 7)
396P 720P
Thai Tu Hoa touched the hearts and lives of so many, sending a positive ripple effect far into their futures and greater society. Join us as we listen to some of the fond memories shared by Hoa's beloved friends and family, from Aulac (Vietnam).?

Secret Revelation on Master's Legendary Magician, P8/9
Secret Revelations on Master's Legendary Magician: A Tribute to Thai Tu Hoa (Part 8)
396P 720P
In 2017, members of Youth Group (Ban Tuoi Tho) gathered together to honour their dear friend and inspirational teacher Thai Tu Hoa.

Secret Revelation on Master's Legendary Magician, P9/9
Secret Revelations on Master's Legendary Magician: A Tribute to Thai Tu Hoa (Part 9)
396P 720P
Supreme Master Ching Hai reveals one of the past life identities of Her loving late disciple, and true friend, Thai Tu Hoa, in which he also proved his outstanding loyalty, as the powerful and well known magician - Merlin (Medrin).

Excerpt from Noteworthy News (March 17, 2018)
Excerpt from Noteworthy News (March 17, 2018)
396P 720P
A poem written by Supreme Master Ching Hai for Thai Tu Hoa on February 28, 2018