
전문가 이반 루돌프 씨와 함께하는 임사체험의 이해, 2부 중 2부

내용 요약
People who undergo near-death experiences realize that there’s a greater form of love than the worldly variety. You realize the importance of love, perhaps to a much greater degree than before. Quite often you don’t know how to set about it. Now the kind of love God’s looking for, that really teaches us is not the kind of self-development love, but it’s developing other people, helping other people and so forth. Whichever way you look at it, your consciousness, or your spirit continues after death, and that you will meet with God, in one way or another again. You will find that God is a God of Love, and that He is concerned for you as an individual, and that I think is the main message I would like to communicate.
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