Animal World

A Story of Love: Master and the Animals
If humanity adopts the peace-loving vegan diet, animals and humans will forever rejoice together for all time to come in real peace...

Respect for All: International Animal Rights Day
This day is reserved to bring attention to the importance of showing esteem and compassion to all sential beings...

The legends of the Plucky and Fearless Christmas Robin
Some believe in time long ago, robins were only little brown birds with no distinct color, and due to selfless service provided to others, robins became red-breasted.

What to Know Before Getting a Dog Companion
Whether you are a single person looking for a companion, a large family looking for a new family member, or anything in between, dogs always do their best to bring joy and unconditional love into everyone’s life! But before heading out to find the perfect dog companion, it’s best to make sure that you can provide a proper home and environment for your future canine family member.

Traveling Abroad with Our Animal Companions
For animals, traveling away from home isn’t typically a fun experience. A short trip by car is can be handled anyway, but crossing the ocean by plane is a much different story! Understanding the many procedural and legal requirements associated with animal travel can be daunting. How a beloved animal companion will cope with the long journey is also a substantial concern.

Wings Without Freedom: The Kidnapping, Neglect and Abuse of Parrots

Caring Not Cruelty on Christmas

The Utterly Deplorable Lives of Factory-Farmed Chickens

Cows and Calves
Milk is Murder for Cows and Calves

Kidnapping Canines: Southeast Asia's Vile Dog Meat Trade

Flailing in Blood:A Turkey's Plea For Life

Exotic Birds
The Oasis Sanctuary: A Forever Loving Home for Exotic Birds

Wild Horse
Shining World Compassion Award: The Wild Horse Sanctuary and Vets Beyond Borders

The New Dawn Montana Farm Sanctuary
The Shining World Compassion Award: The New Dawn Montana Farm Sanctuary

Australia’s Cariad Farm Sanctuary
The Shining World Compassion Award:Australia’s Cariad Farm Sanctuary

Remarkable Canine Rescues: Silverwalk Beagle & Hound Sanctuary, The Humane Society Serving Clark County and Houston SPCA

Animal Guardians
Shining World Compassion Award: Animal Guardians - Project Jonah and Catskill Animal Sanctuary

Shining World Hero Awards: Canine Hero and Luna: Saving Families via Intuition and Intelligence

Animal Intelligence: Having Fun with Tools

Amazing Animals
Amazing Animals:Intelligence of Animals

Intelligence of Animals
Intelligence of Animals

Billie Dean
Teachings of the Animals: Australian Telepathic Animal Communicator Billie Dean

Caren Venables and Lynn Overhill
Listening to the Animals: Australian Telepathic Animal Communicators Caren Venables and Lynn Overhill

Dexter Del Monte
Giving Animals a Voice: Telepathic Animal Communicator Dexter Del Monte

Jan Fennell
Jan Fennell The Dog Listener

Carol Gurney
Communicating with Your Heart: Telepathic Animal Communicator Carol Gurney

Candi Cane Cooper
Tuning into Oneness: Telepathic Animal Communicator Candi Cane Cooper