Mundo Animal

Wings Without Freedom: The Kidnapping, Neglect and Abuse of Parrots

Caring Not Cruelty on Christmas

The Utterly Deplorable Lives of Factory-Farmed Chickens

Cows and Calves
Milk is Murder for Cows and Calves

Kidnapping Canines: Southeast Asia's Vile Dog Meat Trade

Flailing in Blood:A Turkey's Plea For Life

Exotic Birds
The Oasis Sanctuary: A Forever Loving Home for Exotic Birds

Wild Horse
Shining World Compassion Award: The Wild Horse Sanctuary and Vets Beyond Borders

The New Dawn Montana Farm Sanctuary
The Shining World Compassion Award: The New Dawn Montana Farm Sanctuary

Australia’s Cariad Farm Sanctuary
The Shining World Compassion Award:Australia’s Cariad Farm Sanctuary

Remarkable Canine Rescues: Silverwalk Beagle & Hound Sanctuary, The Humane Society Serving Clark County and Houston SPCA

Animal Guardians
Shining World Compassion Award: Animal Guardians - Project Jonah and Catskill Refugio de animales

Shining World Hero Awards: Canine Hero and Luna: Saving Families via Intuition and Intelligence

Animales: amorosos seres sensibles: Having Fun with Tools

Amazing Animals
Amazing Animals:Intelligence of Animals

Intelligence of Animals
Intelligence of Animals

Billie Dean
Teachings of the Animals: Australian Telepathic Animal Communicator Billie Dean

Caren Venables and Lynn Overhill
Listening to the Animals: Australian Comunicador para Animales Caren Venables and Lynn Overhill

Dexter Del Monte
Giving Animals a Voice: Telepathic Animal Communicator Dexter Del Monte

Jan Fennell
Jan Fennell The Dog Listener

Carol Gurney
Communicating with Your Heart: Telepathic Animal Communicator Carol Gurney

Candi Cane Cooper
Tuning into Oneness: Telepathic Animal Communicator Candi Cane Cooper