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오늘은2025/02/28 금요일 (황금시대 년도:22)
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The Best Hit
조이 발렌시아
제임스 카메론 - 채식의 깊이를 탐험하다
미소 가득한 비건채식 세상을 만드는 마일리 사이러스
비건 생활
유명한 채식인
비거니즘: 고귀한 생활
비건 요리 프로그램
사랑의 선물: 칭하이 무상사와 함께하는 간단하고 영양 많은 요리
유명한 채식인
전세계 비건/채식 식당
전세계 채식식품 공급업체
유명한 채식인
The Loudest Silence - Inspiring Animal Activist James Aspey, Part 2 of 2
The Loudest Silence - Inspiring Animal Activist James Aspey, Part 1 of 2
Vegan Ninja Warrior Tim Shieff - Running into Compassion
Vegan US Presidential Candidate Mr. Clifton Roberts – Bringing Love and Compassion to Humanity, Part 2 of 2
Vegan US Presidential Candidate Mr. Clifton Roberts – Bringing Love and Compassion to Humanity Part 1 of 2
Vegan Royalty - Dexter and Coretta Scott King “Extending Non-Violence to Animal Co-Inhabitants”
크리스토프 생 존 - 평화를 위한 삶
패트릭 바부미안 - 강인한 체력과 아름다운 마음을 가진 독일인2/2부
패트릭 바부미안 - 강인한 체력과 아름다운 마음을 가진 독일인1/2부
Ultra-marathoner Kristopher Aaron: Raw Veganism is the Diet of Endurance
조이 발렌시아
페르시아 화이트
존과 트레이시 스튜어트 - 동물천국을 함께 만들다
마임 비아릭-연민의 과학
제임스 카메론 - 채식의 깊이를 탐험하다
매기 큐- 자유의 선물을 주다
미소 가득한 비건채식 세상을 만드는 마일리 사이러스
카타리나 비르니쳐 박사와 함께하는 익스트림 산악 자전거 - P1/2
카타리나 비르니쳐 박사와 함께하는 익스트림 산악 자전거 - P1/2
Simone Reyes - Activist Angel for the Animals
William McNamara - On the Forefront of Acting and Animal Activism
Botanical Chef Omid Jaffari: Raw Vegan Cuisine for Elevated Future Consciousness
Humor and Humanity: Comedian and Activist Dick Gregory -1/2
The Birth of Bahá’u’lláh : Bringing Oneness to Humanity
Humor and Humanity: Comedian and Activist Dick Gregory -2/2
A Guiding Light: Acclaimed Actor & Animal Advocate Grant Aleksander
Hollywood Actress Elaine Hendrix: For the Love of Animals -2/2
Hollywood Actress Elaine Hendrix: For the Love of Animals -1/2
Spirited Actress & Dancer Tonya Kay: Connecting with Oneself through Raw Veganism
Christine Vardaros- World-Class Vegan Cyclocross Racer
Winning Life's Ultimate Prize with Mexican TV Host Marco Antonio Regil (In Spanish)
The Art of Living and Music with Multi-Talented Performer Joy Valencia
Detoxing with Food Pioneer Karyn Calabrese: "Welcome to My Raw and Vegan World!" -2/2
Detoxing with Food Pioneer Karyn Calabrese: "Welcome to My Raw and Vegan World!" -1/2
Big Hair, Big Heart... Dreaming Big with Actress Hayley Marie Norman
Marina Devyatova:Beautiful Voice of Russian Music and Compassion - (In Russian)
Marina Devyatova:Beautiful Voice of Russian Music and Compassion - (In Russian)
Elizabeth Kucinich: Passionate Advocate for a Healthier United States and Beyond
In the Business of Saving Lives: Plant-Strong Firefighter Rip Esselstyn -2/2
In the Business of Saving Lives: Plant-Strong Firefighter Rip Esselstyn -1/2
Respect as the Philosophy of Life: Argentinean Actor, Musician, and Director Nicolás Pauls - (In Spanish) -2/2
Respect as the Philosophy of Life: Argentinean Actor, Musician, and Director Nicolás Pauls - (In Spanish) -1/2
British Government Leaders for a Vegan Era: MP Kerry McCarthy, MP Virendra Sharma & Green Party Deputy Leader Adrian Ramsay
A High Definition of Compassion:Tech Pioneer & Philanthropist Ady Gil-P2/2
A High Definition of Compassion:Tech Pioneer & Philanthropist Ady Gil-P1/2
Austrian Filmmaker Stefan Wolf: Visions of Paradise on Earth through Sustainable Eco-Communities (In German)
Love Prevails: Kashif Saleem, Grammy-nominated Musician & Humanitarian -P2/2
Love Prevails: Kashif Saleem, Grammy-nominated Musician & Humanitarian -P1/2
The Honorable Glen Pearson, Courageous Canadian Parliament Member & Philanthropist
Plant-powered Olympic Hopefuls: Distance Runner Jessica Sedlock & Ski Cross Racer Sven Winters
Actress, Vocalist & Choreographer Trina Parks: Vegan is Forever -P2/2
Actress, Vocalist & Choreographer Trina Parks: Vegan is Forever -P1/2
Extreme Mountain Biking with Austrian Vegan Sports Scientist Dr. Katharina Wirnitzer - (In Austrian German) -P2/2
Extreme Mountain Biking with Austrian Vegan Sports Scientist Dr. Katharina Wirnitzer - (In Austrian German) -P1/2
Haiti’s Own King Wawa: A “Oneness Kingdom” in Music & Arts - (In Creole) -P2/2
Haiti’s Own King Wawa: A “Oneness Kingdom” in Music & Arts - (In Creole) -P1/2
Vegan Vacations with the Healthy Voyager Carolyn Scott-Hamilton
King Trần Nhân Tông, Âu Lạc’s (Vietnam) Saintly Monarch (In Aulacese)